09 AUG 2018

Young Mauritians’ Plan for the Planet: 107 actions for a sustainable future


Nearly one hundred teenagers were gathered Saturday 4th August at MCB St Jean for the Youth Conference on Sustainable Development and the launch of the "Young Mauritians Plan for the Planet".

These young people, coming from 10 colleges, are participating in the "Young Mauritians Plan for the Planet", a project led, in Mauritius, by the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, with the support of the MCB. As its name suggests, this program is about giving youngsters the opportunity to devise an Action Plan comprising recommendations so as to ensure a sustainable future for the planet and for the country.

The Young Mauritians' Plan for the Planet is part of a global movement that was initiated in Australia, involving high school students. The project was launched based on a partnership between the Australian National University, Questacon, and Ian Chambers, Director, Young Australians Plan for the Planet. In this context, the Australians students worked in teams to come up with practical and achievable ideas for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations in 2016. The ultimate goals of the SDGs are: the eradication of poverty, the protection of planet, and prosperity for everyone.

In order to carry out their mission, the Australians used business-related methodologies which allowed them to analyse the issues raised by the SGSs, dissect them, and find solutions to address them. Their Action Plan, the Young Australians' Plan for the Planet was presented to Australian parliamentarians to have their "buy-in" for the implementation of the recommendations made.

Following the success of the program in Australia, the project is now being extended, to a few other countries, including Mauritius. Here, this initiative is being carried out under the aegis of the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, involving, during its first phase, a hundred students from 10 colleges: Sir Leckraz Teelock SSS, Royal College Curepipe, Swami Sivananda SSS, Dr James Burty David SSS, College du Saint Esprit, Loreto College Saint Pierre, Simadree Virahsawmy SSS, Phoenix SSS, Soondur Munrakhun College and Hamilton College Girls.

Over a period of six months the participants, with the support of their teachers and "mentors", have examined the different SDGs to identify, four priority themes per SDG. They then worked together to find solutions for each issue. So far, a total of 107 solutions - ranging from the problem of drugs, road accidents, poverty, to education for all and pollution – have been selected and included in the Young Mauritians' Plan for the Planet. All of these solutions are clear, precise and realistic.

The Young Mauritians’ Plan for the Planet booklet was launched on Saturday 4th August during the closing ceremony of the Youth Conference on Sustainable Development at MCB St Jean. On this occasion, the book was also presented to the Honourable Leela Devi Dookun-Luchmun, Minister of Education and Human Resources, Higher Education and Research.

During its second phase, the project will now be extended to other schools as well as to other countries, and will focus on the implementation of the recommendations.

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