MCBG.N0000 466.5MUR 14-Mar-2025 12:00 -0.32 %

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MCB Group aims to supply its shareholders with ongoing returns. It seeks to distribute around 30% of its profits in the form of dividends. Interim dividend is declared in June and paid in July while the final dividend is announced in September and paid in December.

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Rs 466.50

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RS 466.5
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Share Performance

Earnings Per Share (FY 2023/24)63.65
Price Earnings Ratio (times; FY 2023/24)6.0
Net Assets Value Per Share (Rs; as at June 2024)407.9
Equity book value (Rs million; as at June 2024)103,259
Shares Issued (number; as at June 2024)253,125,928

Share Information

Listed since 1989 on the Official Market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, MCB is one of the most traded stocks thereon. It has a broad and diversified shareholder base.

MCB Group Limited Security CodeMCBG.N0000
MCB Group Limited ISIN MU0424N00005
BloombergMCBG MP
Market capitalisation (as at June 2024)MUR 96.2 billion (USD 2.1 billion) - market share of some 36%*
Shareholding profile (as at June 2024)About 23,000 shareholders, with foreign shareholding accounting for 9% of the total

*excludes foreign currency denominated (USD, Euro, GBP, and ZAR), GBL and international companies

5 largest shareholders as at 30 June 2024% holding
National Pensions Fund7.0
 State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd4.3
Swan Life Ltd3.7
Promotion & Development Limited2.6
BNYM SA/NV A/C Eastspring Investments SICAV-FIS1.5

Category as at 30 June 2024No. of shareholders %No. of shares % Holding
Investment and Trust Companies0.611.3
Insurance and Assurance Companies0.110.2
Pension and Provident Funds0.314.5
Other Corporate Bodies4.318.2


Figures may not add up due to rounding

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