04 AUG 2023

Gyan Digumber, 34th MCB Foundation scholar

Gyan Digumber, a Royal College Curepipe student, was awarded the 2022 MCB Foundation Scholarship.

During the Higher Schools Certificate exams last year, Gyan shone and was ranked 4th laureate in the economics side. The official signing ceremony occurred this Friday afternoon, 4 August, at the MCB Centre, Port-Louis.

The new scholar has constantly maintained excellence throughout his student life. He was awarded first prize in Mathematics (O-level) at National level some years ago. His active involvement in extra-curricular activities has been impressive; he participated in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (Bronze level) and won the first prize in the Financial Services Commission – Young Talent essay competition. He has been a responsible and disciplined student during his school years. 


Dreaming of a better future

“This scholarship is the key to a better future for me. I come from a modest family, and this scholarship will allow me to study Rotman Commerce abroad at the prestigious University of Toronto in Canada.” explains the young man, who describes himself as ambitious. Gyan Digumber is flying to Toronto on August 20. The young fellow plans to gain experience there before returning home.
The MCB Foundation scholarship covers university fees, airline tickets, accommodation, school materials, and transportation. This scholarship was created on MCB's 150th anniversary in 1988. Since then, each year, a scholarship has been awarded to the person ranked immediately after the laureates of the Economics side at the HSC exams.

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