Xavier Goilot, putting people at the center

Jun 14, 2022, 09:00 AM by User Not Found
For Xavier, building relationships is his business. He has spent the last five years doing just that in his banking career at MCB. Today he is a Relationship Manager in the Mid-Market Enterprise segment in Business Banking SBU. An introvert at heart, Xavier is a determined individual, calm and steady, with a drive to help people.

“Client satisfaction is very important to me. We have the opportunity to support local businesses and listen to their needs. We assist them in the good times and the bad times, an aspect which I love about this job!”. For Xavier, succeeding in business is all about providing his clients with tailor-made solutions to accompany them in their growth and business development.

Having always had a fascination with being the banker in Monopoly, Xavier seized the opportunity to study accounting and finance in Australia, where he also had the opportunity to do some travelling. Upon returning to Mauritius in 2017, he joined the MCB Forward Graduate Programme. After his two-year internship with the Programme, he started his career at MCB and now, five years later, has already fulfilled his dream of being a Relationship Manager. “I'm very excited about this new position and I'm learning a lot”. Having found the work-life balance, Xavier is happy that he works for a company that provides flexibility.

When asked to explain the impact of the Forward Graduate Programme on his career, Xavier emphasizes the importance of the relationship networking that happened during his two-year internship. “Building a network opens doors to future successes”. Being the introvert that he is, Xavier was able to acquire skills, like public speaking, that improved his confidence and made him stretch himself beyond his comfort zone. “You have the training, not only for a particular job but you learn very important skills”. Xavier recommends the new graduate programme to anyone who is willing to learn because it provides a unique insight into all the departments and systems within the bank.

With Xavier's past accomplishments and his outlook on life, he has a bright future ahead of him at MCB.


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