Human capital the sine qua non condition for success

Nov 22, 2019, 17:00 PM by User Not Found
We are indeed going through exciting and challenging times, not just in our bank at MCB but throughout the entire financial industry worldwide. Whilst the battle rages on to increase competitiveness, efficiency and to propose innovative products and services to customers, the development of human capital has never been more critical.

Companies classified along various sectors and sizes require organization capabilities different from what were used in the past, to survive in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment. Thus, employees should be equipped with the relevant skills to face these increasing challenges on a day-to-day basis.

Indeed, education is an avenue that paves the way to create more economic value for the individuals themselves, their employers, their clients and their country at large. With this belief at the center of our vision, MCB Institute of Finance (MCB IF) was launched at the end of March to bring value to the financial sector not only in Mauritius but in the region, including Africa. In this issue of your e-newsletter, you will gain insightful information on MCB IF’s courses and certifications.

Why education remains so pivotal in human capital development these days?

The answer to this question is very simple: you cannot develop people without providing them with the appropriate tools to encourage their growth. Today, in this fast changing developing world, a variety of aspects are primordial to the success of any business and in the financial sector itself. These are, inter alia: talent development, how to align teams, how to include in our workforce next generation tools including data, analytics, insights, artificial intelligence; just to name a few.

In parallel to setting up MCB IF, MCB has launched an ambitious HR Transformation Programme to promote a maximum support for our workforce. In many successful organisations, HR acts as a strategic and collaborative co-pilot to the CEO and partner to the senior leadership teams. In other words, we want to give our HR the right tools to breed the future generation of MCB leaders.

For organisations with the likes of MCB to evolve, human resources departments should transform into human capital growth departments. And this is precisely what we are doing.

Because human capital is sine qua non to our success.


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