
MCB Group results for the year ended 30 June 2020

Sep 28, 2020, 09:00 AM by User Not Found

Commenting on the results, Pierre Guy Noël (Chief Executive - MCB Group Ltd) said: “The material deterioration in the operating context since early 2020 has led to a reversal of the strong growth in results recorded by the Group during the first semester of FY 2019/20. Profits attributable to ordinary shareholders dropped by 16.1% to reach Rs 7,912 million for the year ended 30 June 2020, essentially due to a substantial increase in Expected Credit Losses (ECL) resulting from the high level of uncertainty engendered by the COVID-19 crisis. Indeed, additional ECL on the Group’s performing asset portfolio amounted to Rs 3,364 million to reflect an inherent increase in credit risks on a forward-looking basis, thus contributing to impairment charges of Rs 5,076 million for the year under review.

Operating results, however, improved on the back of our diversification strategy as demonstrated by a growth of 8.5% in operating income to Rs 21,954 million. Notwithstanding a decline in margins on our international activities, net interest income rose by 11.2%, supported by an expansion in loans and advance s and higher investment in Government securities amidst continued high liquidity locally. On the other hand, with business activities being impacted by the difficult market conditions and confinement measures, net fee and commission income declined by 4.7%, mainly due to a reduced contribution from MCB Capital Markets Ltd and lower fees recorded within the banking cluster, particularly during the last quarter of FY 2019/20. 

‘Other income’ increased by 15.0% in spite of lower contribution from MCB Real Assets Ltd, mainly driven by a growth of 22.2% in profit on exchange and net gain from financial instruments carried at fair value. The resilient performance on the revenue side has led to a further drop in our cost to income ratio which reached 35.5% after accounting for a growth of 3.7% in operating expenses.

 The share of profits of associates remained close to the prior year’s level, being down only marginally, with improved results posted by BFCOI being offset by a subdued performance recorded at the level of Promotion and Development Ltd. We have preserved our financial soundness in these turbulent times. The Group has maintained strong funding and liquidity positions alongside further strengthening its capital buffer, with the overall capital adequacy and Tier 1 ratios improving to 18.6% and 17.2% respectively. 

The operating context remains particularly challenging, with low visibility on the evolution of the situation going forward. Difficult market and economic conditions are expected to continue taking their toll on customer segments across markets, albeit to varying degrees. Whilst some business segments, notably on the international front, are anticipated to be resilient, our operating results are likely to be down in view of restrained business activities amidst the economic slump and resulting dampened investor confidence as well as squeezed margins. Pressures on asset quality are likely to intensify with the degree of the impact remaining highly dependent on the duration and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the effectiveness of the support measures from the authorities, including financial assistance from the Mauritius Investment Corporation to economic operators. Against this backdrop, the Group will maintain its market vigilance and monitor the situation closely with regular assessment of potential scenarios. We will seek to maintain adequate buffers in terms of capital adequacy as well as funding and liquidity ratios, thus preserving our financial soundness. Concurrently, while reviewing its short -term priorities, the Group will continue to invest for the future and create the necessary conditions to bounce back when economic conditions start to heal.

 In the current exceptional circumstances and in line with directives issued by banking regulators across presence countries, the Group has not declared any dividend for the period under review.”

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MCB Group results for the year ended 30 June 2020

Sep 28, 2020, 09:00 AM by User Not Found

Commenting on the results, Pierre Guy Noël (Chief Executive - MCB Group Ltd) said: “The material deterioration in the operating context since early 2020 has led to a reversal of the strong growth in results recorded by the Group during the first semester of FY 2019/20. Profits attributable to ordinary shareholders dropped by 16.1% to reach Rs 7,912 million for the year ended 30 June 2020, essentially due to a substantial increase in Expected Credit Losses (ECL) resulting from the high level of uncertainty engendered by the COVID-19 crisis. Indeed, additional ECL on the Group’s performing asset portfolio amounted to Rs 3,364 million to reflect an inherent increase in credit risks on a forward-looking basis, thus contributing to impairment charges of Rs 5,076 million for the year under review.

Operating results, however, improved on the back of our diversification strategy as demonstrated by a growth of 8.5% in operating income to Rs 21,954 million. Notwithstanding a decline in margins on our international activities, net interest income rose by 11.2%, supported by an expansion in loans and advance s and higher investment in Government securities amidst continued high liquidity locally. On the other hand, with business activities being impacted by the difficult market conditions and confinement measures, net fee and commission income declined by 4.7%, mainly due to a reduced contribution from MCB Capital Markets Ltd and lower fees recorded within the banking cluster, particularly during the last quarter of FY 2019/20. 

‘Other income’ increased by 15.0% in spite of lower contribution from MCB Real Assets Ltd, mainly driven by a growth of 22.2% in profit on exchange and net gain from financial instruments carried at fair value. The resilient performance on the revenue side has led to a further drop in our cost to income ratio which reached 35.5% after accounting for a growth of 3.7% in operating expenses.

 The share of profits of associates remained close to the prior year’s level, being down only marginally, with improved results posted by BFCOI being offset by a subdued performance recorded at the level of Promotion and Development Ltd. We have preserved our financial soundness in these turbulent times. The Group has maintained strong funding and liquidity positions alongside further strengthening its capital buffer, with the overall capital adequacy and Tier 1 ratios improving to 18.6% and 17.2% respectively. 

The operating context remains particularly challenging, with low visibility on the evolution of the situation going forward. Difficult market and economic conditions are expected to continue taking their toll on customer segments across markets, albeit to varying degrees. Whilst some business segments, notably on the international front, are anticipated to be resilient, our operating results are likely to be down in view of restrained business activities amidst the economic slump and resulting dampened investor confidence as well as squeezed margins. Pressures on asset quality are likely to intensify with the degree of the impact remaining highly dependent on the duration and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the effectiveness of the support measures from the authorities, including financial assistance from the Mauritius Investment Corporation to economic operators. Against this backdrop, the Group will maintain its market vigilance and monitor the situation closely with regular assessment of potential scenarios. We will seek to maintain adequate buffers in terms of capital adequacy as well as funding and liquidity ratios, thus preserving our financial soundness. Concurrently, while reviewing its short -term priorities, the Group will continue to invest for the future and create the necessary conditions to bounce back when economic conditions start to heal.

 In the current exceptional circumstances and in line with directives issued by banking regulators across presence countries, the Group has not declared any dividend for the period under review.”

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