
Chess in Schools: Game on!

Jun 2, 2017, 09:00 AM by User Not Found

Chess is now a reality in the primary schools of Mauritius. The “Chess in Schools” initiative, driven by MCB Group, the Mauritius Chess Federation and the Government of Mauritius was officially launched on Thursday 1st June 2017 at Moka Government School.

An ambitious project
Chess will be introduced on a pilot basis in 11 primary schools: New Bambous Geoffroy Government School, Flic en Flac Government School, Cascavelle Government School, Maha Rishi Dayanand Saraswati Government School, Saint Hubert Government School, Saint Francois D’Assise RCA, Charles Telfair Government School, Notre Dame de Mont Carmel RCA, Robinson Government School, Louis S. Coutet Government School and Moka Government School. The programme will be gradually extended to all primary schools.

Chess is not only the game of kings and queens; it’s the ideal educational tool for primary school children. It spurs the intellect, the personality and the character of individuals, while having fun.

While learning how Rooks, Knights, Castles and the other pieces move, children get used to geometry. By trying to foretell the opponent’s moves, they get acquainted to problem-solving and improve their math skills. Chess also help children to express themselves and frame their thoughts better, whilst improving their capacity to memorise, their concentration and self-belief.

Team-work at its best
« Chess in schools » came to fruition thanks to a public-private partnership. The Mauritius Chess Federation initiated the project and brought in its expertise. The ministry of Youth and Sports had its hand in the training of the teachers, while its Education counterpart brought the appropriate framework within the school curriculum to facilitate the project implementation. MCB Group provided the adequate equipment: chess boards, display boards and electronic timers.

Intrinsic values
MCB Group supports « Chess in Schools » as its core values are found within this project: sharing, knowledge, innovation, teamwork, integrity, go beyond our abilities, excellence… These same values have always spurred MCB on to support educational initiatives, namely at the MCB Foundation Scholarship level, the support to ZEP schools, the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Young Investor Award, Science Quest and Spelling Bee, just to name a few initiatives.

“Chess in Schools” tally with the Nine year Schooling objectives, such as enhancing critical skills, creativity and initiative-seeking to nurture tomorrow’s adults.

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Chess in Schools: Game on!

Jun 2, 2017, 09:00 AM by User Not Found

Chess is now a reality in the primary schools of Mauritius. The “Chess in Schools” initiative, driven by MCB Group, the Mauritius Chess Federation and the Government of Mauritius was officially launched on Thursday 1st June 2017 at Moka Government School.

An ambitious project
Chess will be introduced on a pilot basis in 11 primary schools: New Bambous Geoffroy Government School, Flic en Flac Government School, Cascavelle Government School, Maha Rishi Dayanand Saraswati Government School, Saint Hubert Government School, Saint Francois D’Assise RCA, Charles Telfair Government School, Notre Dame de Mont Carmel RCA, Robinson Government School, Louis S. Coutet Government School and Moka Government School. The programme will be gradually extended to all primary schools.

Chess is not only the game of kings and queens; it’s the ideal educational tool for primary school children. It spurs the intellect, the personality and the character of individuals, while having fun.

While learning how Rooks, Knights, Castles and the other pieces move, children get used to geometry. By trying to foretell the opponent’s moves, they get acquainted to problem-solving and improve their math skills. Chess also help children to express themselves and frame their thoughts better, whilst improving their capacity to memorise, their concentration and self-belief.

Team-work at its best
« Chess in schools » came to fruition thanks to a public-private partnership. The Mauritius Chess Federation initiated the project and brought in its expertise. The ministry of Youth and Sports had its hand in the training of the teachers, while its Education counterpart brought the appropriate framework within the school curriculum to facilitate the project implementation. MCB Group provided the adequate equipment: chess boards, display boards and electronic timers.

Intrinsic values
MCB Group supports « Chess in Schools » as its core values are found within this project: sharing, knowledge, innovation, teamwork, integrity, go beyond our abilities, excellence… These same values have always spurred MCB on to support educational initiatives, namely at the MCB Foundation Scholarship level, the support to ZEP schools, the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Young Investor Award, Science Quest and Spelling Bee, just to name a few initiatives.

“Chess in Schools” tally with the Nine year Schooling objectives, such as enhancing critical skills, creativity and initiative-seeking to nurture tomorrow’s adults.

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