
16th MCB Youth Championships: a shower of medals

Apr 3, 2018, 09:00 AM by User Not Found

MCB is proud to encourage the Rodriguans athletes for their first sports experience on Saturday 24th March at Camp du Roi stadium.

The Bank had the pleasure to support 300 participants of this 16th edition but also to reward the winners and runner ups. For first prizes, besides receiving medals and trophies, MCB offered savings cash prizes on savings accounts to boys and girls of each of three categories. The best athletes were as follows:

Edouard Frederick
Serge Emy Shannone

Malbrook Jeremy
Cupidon Alexandra

Guillaume Franciana
Payendee Scott Cody

MCB renewed its partnership this year with this big sports event that is the MCB Youth Championships. This choice to accompany the Rodriguan athletes has always been very easy to make, because MCB is firmly convinced that Rodrigues remains a pool of talents.

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16th MCB Youth Championships: a shower of medals

Apr 3, 2018, 09:00 AM by User Not Found

MCB is proud to encourage the Rodriguans athletes for their first sports experience on Saturday 24th March at Camp du Roi stadium.

The Bank had the pleasure to support 300 participants of this 16th edition but also to reward the winners and runner ups. For first prizes, besides receiving medals and trophies, MCB offered savings cash prizes on savings accounts to boys and girls of each of three categories. The best athletes were as follows:

Edouard Frederick
Serge Emy Shannone

Malbrook Jeremy
Cupidon Alexandra

Guillaume Franciana
Payendee Scott Cody

MCB renewed its partnership this year with this big sports event that is the MCB Youth Championships. This choice to accompany the Rodriguan athletes has always been very easy to make, because MCB is firmly convinced that Rodrigues remains a pool of talents.

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