Investor Centre

Debt Investors & Capital Instruments

View information related to debt securities and subordinated loan raised by MCB Group for its capital and treasury management purposes.

10 Jun 2015

MCB Group Limited - Floating Rate Subordinated Notes due 2023

As part of the capital restructuring exercise, the Board of Directors of MCB Ltd (MCB) and MCB Group Ltd (MCBG) have resolved to transfer the assets and liabilities pertaining to the Notes from MCB to MCBG. In that respect, MCBG will henceforth act as the issuer of the Notes.

The last trading date of MCB Notes was on 22 June 2015, with the cancellation of the listing thereof on 25 June 2015 and the start of trading of MCBG Notes on the Official Market as from 26 June 2015. The Notes are available to individuals and institutional investors both in Mauritius and abroad. Trading of the Notes shall be done through any licensed broker.

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