Vibrant and sustainable
local and regional economies
15,011 tonnes CO2-eq
Total greenhouse gas emissions in 2021
We are proud to present our 2022 Sustainability Report, which tells you more about MCB Group Limited and unpacks the actions we took during the year to deliver on the objectives of our corporate sustainability engagement, 'Success Beyond Numbers'. This commitment provides the framework to help us have a positive economic, social, environmental and cultural impact, with a focus on three pillars:
Vibrant and sustainable
local and regional economies
Our environmental and
cultural heritage
Individual and collective
Our values underpin our sustainability engagement, 'Success Beyond Numbers' and guide and inspire every individual across MCB Group, helping them remember that they are part of something bigger than themselves.
Honest and trustworthy
at all times
Customer Care
Delivering unrivalled
Working together towards
a common goal
Proactively seeking out
new opportunities
Believing in lifelong
Being the best
we possibly can
"Globally, we have seen greater urgency to meet environmental and social goals as businesses, governments and communities recognise that failure to act will have unprecedented consequences. Similarly, we have seen rising expectations for companies to act ethically and responsibly to retain their social licence to operate."
"At MCB Group, we are focused on infusing our sustainability agenda into the lifeblood of our organisation, into our values, and into our engagements with partners and stakeholders to make a positive impact every day in whatever we do."
TRACES (2021-2022)
Artist: Laurie Castel
"For more than 180 years, MCB has strived to provide unwavering support to its customers and promote the development of Mauritius and the region. This commitment has remained resolute despite experiencing difficult circumstances amid unforeseen events, such as the pandemic."
"MCB Group's success is measured by how well we accompany our entrepreneurs and individuals to new heights, grow our people and develop their talents, and promote and deploy sustainable finance for the good of our planet. By this measurement, I believe MCB Group delivered a strong performance."
"As a small island state, Mauritius is vulnerable to extreme climate events: the World Risk Report 2022 by Bundnis Entwicklung Hilft ranked Mauritius 107th on its list of 192 countries with the highest exposure to disaster risk."
Artist: Riaz Auladin
'Success Beyond Numbers', our sustainability engagement, articulates our commitment to be a responsible organisation and contribute to the economic development of the countries in which we operate.
Artist: Didier Dantier
MCB Group views responsible behaviour as a fundamental condition to secure the trust of its stakeholders. We have built a strong ethical culture over the years by putting into place corporate policies and procedures and complying with rules and relevant regulations and codes of conduct. The Group's corporate values play a critical role in shaping the strategy and engaging employees to promote ethical business.
Artist: Coralie Mazurier
We aim to create an environment that boosts local production and contributes to the economic and social development of the countries in which we operate. This is particularly important considering the pandemic's impact on economic stability, compounded by global challenges such as climate change. We are therefore increasing our efforts to support entrepreneurship and innovation while ensuring our products and services support economic growth and sustainable prosperity.
MCB Group recognises the importance of preserving Mauritius' natural capital as it supports not only the economy, people and society, but also the biodiversity, ecosystems and habitats of many species. Climate and environmental risks are increasing in frequency and intensity. As a small island, Mauritius is particularly vulnerable to these extreme events. We are therefore committed to taking a leading position in combatting climate change by ensuring our financing activities support low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient infrastructure that are aligned with the national policies of Mauritius and the countries where we operate.
Total greenhouse gas emissions in 2021
Direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company
Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy
All other indirect emissions from the company's value chain
We are conducting Climate Fresk workshops with colleagues across the business, including our leaders, to raise awareness about climate change.
Number of Workshops
Number of Participants
Hours Spent
Artist: Fiona Nove
In 2013 we developed
an Equal Opportunity PolicyThis policy states that all employees should have the opportunity to use their talents, skills, experience, and competencies. It declares that employees should feel respected and valued regardless of their status, such as age, caste, colour, creed, ethnic origin, impairment, marital status, place of origin, political opinion, race, sex, or sexual orientation.
In 2019, we committed
to increase women in managementOur objective is to have at least 40% of women at middle and senior management levels within MCB Ltd by 2026. This includes women at Business Manager, Business Leader and Business Executive levels. We set up a working group to execute this strategic priority.
In 2021, we established
the Gender Equality CharterThe MCB Gender Equality Charter demonstrates its commitment to implementing and promoting
gender-related practices.
Of note, we also participated in 2019 in the Gender Diversity Charter of the Africa CEO Forum
Women Working for Change.